Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My first days as a Southern transplant in the North

Well, I made it alive.

I have a nice outline of an entry to be entitled "Things I Learned on my 30 Hour Road Trip to Massachusetts," but unfortunately I don't have regular access to the internet right now (and I left my notes at my Noni's. Oops.) so it'll have to wait. Also in the works: "Things I Learned my First Week in Massachusetts," to follow.

So, this is to let everyone know that I am alive, I made it and yes, it's weird being up here. I keep thinking I'm going to be leaving soon, so I have to keep reminding myself that I'm here for a while. WEIRD, I'm telling you. I'm so thrown off, even though I knew this was coming.

Also: For the first time since freshmen year at LSU, I'm looking forward to starting school. Simply for the fact that it will give me something to do. No friends = constant boredom. I did however, start knitting, so there's that.

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